Wednesday, June 23, 2010

More interesting facts from the Mobile Marketing Association;
1. Mobile is the only marketing media that reaches consumers while on the go.
2. Mobile has 5 times better sales conversion rates than online.
3. Mobile has 7 times better coupon redemption rates than online and offline.
4. Text Message Marketing is 5 times more effective than Online Marketing.
5. Mobile has much less media competition, email is very crowded.
6. Mobile devise is personal so it is an extension of the person.
7. There are 270 million mobile subscribers in the United States, 91% of them keep their phone within 3 feet of themselves 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.
8. Very few business are using it. Mobile marketing is where Internet marketing was in 2000.
Are you missing out? Call me at 303-320-4855 to learn how you can link your printed marketing material to your website.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Print not only pays off--it pays back to the environment.
According to a study released by International Paper when you use paper, you are making a contribution to the environment by keeping the forests growing and responsibly managed. Here are more interesting facts from I.P.'s study;
1. Roughly 600 million trees are planted every year by the paper and forest products industry, surpassing the amount harvested.
2. Improved forest management, regeneration of forest areas and selective tree harvesting have resulted in a net uptake (sequestration) of carbon from 1990 to 2005. This is because older, unmanaged forests lose their ability to sequester carbon.
3. Many climate experts believe that the responsible management of forests offers one of the least expensive and best ways to fight against climate change.
4. The paper and forest products industry is one of the largest users of low-carbon energy in the world. Nearly 60% of the energy used to make paper in the U.S. comes from carbon-neutral renewable resources and is produced on site at mills.
5. Nearly 60% of all paper in the U.S. is recycled. In comparison, less that 20% of U.S. electronic devices are recycled.
6. Of the wood extracted from the world's forests, 53% is used for energy production, 28% is used by lumber mills and only 11% is used directly by the paper industry.